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The Metatron Includes:

  • Natural Blue Apatite
  • Metallic Rainbow Seed Bead
  • Rainbow Titanium Aura Quartz



  • Root
  • Sacral
  • Solar Plexus
  • Heart
  • Throat
  • Third Eye
  • Crown


The Metatron Intention:

Get grounded & centered. Activate, clear & energize all chakras and increase oxygen flow. Clear all blockages. Heal energy field & repair rips in aura. Great for those who need increased energy to keep up with daily life. Facilitates deeper meditations & connection to Archangels. Creates strong direct link to Archangel Metatron. Enhance channeling & telepathy. Get channeled messages clearly & accurately. Comforts body, restores peace & fills life with positivity. Completely clear negativity about self & others. Improve mood quickly. Replace sorrow with joy by stimulating humor. Fully awaken to the Divine so you can harmonize mind, body & spirit, and increase natural healing. Strenghten mental clarity. Unlock highest intuition & wisdom and use info for the betterment of the collective. Tune out the world & quiet your mind. Increase focus & expand awareness. Pushes you into a relaxed state of mind so you can easily manifest. Supports transition into an aligned lifestyle. Helps with posture problems.

The Metatron

  • This hand crafted bracelet is infused with Reiki & Archangel healing energy and set with a specific divinely guided intention for healing by a spiritually gifted healer and Reiki Master. Each bracelet is cleansed & charged before it’s shipped to you. We also cleanse every item in your package to ensure you receive nothing but love & light in every package you receive from Soul Sistas.

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